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Smart Money Workshop - Financial Literacy Programme for Singapore Schools

Learn about Financial Literacy with Lifelong Learning Council and SmartCo.

Financial Literacy Workshop Financial Literacy School Workshop Financial Literacy Singapore Workshop
Smart Money Workshop - Financial literacy programme in School Hall

Financial Literacy Programme

Smart Money Workshop is a financial literacy programme for Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Schools in Singapore. This financial education workshop encourages students to make smart money choices in an authentic learning space. Students learn about their financial needs at various life stages and will be able to develop their financial capabilities to plan for their future.

Through our interactive activities, students explore education and career pathways, as well as the intricate relationship between financial decisions and happiness. They will learn to embrace lifelong learning to adapt to the economy's changing needs and navigate through uncertain times.

Learning Outcome

Our workshop encapsulates relevant, up-to-date current affairs that students will encounter at different stages of their life. We empower students to navigate their career pathways and lifelong learning opportunities in a safe learning environment. At the end of the workshop, they will be able to think critically, make informed decisions and apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their future endeavours.

School Workshop

Financial literacy - Money management skills

Financial Literacy: Money management skills

Make smart money choices in an authentic learning space.

Identify needs and wants.*

Financial literacy - Financial planning

Financial Literacy: Financial planning

Experience financial needs at various life stages.

Manage loans in a simulated environment.

Financial literacy - Investment know-how

Financial Literacy: Investment know-how

Learn about investment objectives and the power of compounding.**

Experience investment scams in a safe learning environment.**

Education and career pathways

Education and career pathways

Understand the relationship between education and career choices.

Experience how career choices can impact their income potential.

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning

Learn how lifelong learning can protect their financial well-being.

Experience how lifelong learning can improve their career progression.

* Smart Money Workshop (Foundation)
** Smart Money Workshop (Basic & Pro), HSBC TPsmart Workshop
Workshop Series

We designed our workshop for students with different levels of financial competency. You can refer to the table below or contact us for our recommendations.

Smart Money Workshop (Foundation) Smart Money Workshop (Basic) HSBC TPsmart Workshop* Smart Money Workshop (Pro)
Education and Career Pathways
Lifelong Learning
Smart Money Choices
Financial Planning
Manage Loans
Stay resilient
Needs and Wants
Money Jar Simulation
Suitable for Students Pri 4 to Sec 1 Sec 1 to Sec 4/5 Sec 1 to Sec 4/5 Sec 3 and above
Workshop Highlights
  • Relationship between Money & Happiness
  • Needs and Wants
  • Economic Defence (COVID-19)
  • Real-life Applications of Mathematics
  • Relationship between Money & Happiness
  • Economic Defence (Cycle)
  • Education & Career Guidance
  • Good Money Habits
  • Relationship between Money & Happiness
  • Economic Defence (Cycle)
  • Education & Career Guidance
  • Good Money Habits
  • Life Goals Exploration
  • Budgeting Essentials
  • Cash Flow Simulations
  • Decision-Making Proficiency
Swipe right on the table to view more

*HSBC TPsmart Workshop is fully funded by HSBC and Temasek Polytechnic for all Secondary Schools in Singapore!

Primary and secondary school workshop
Gamified learning

Gamified learning is a teaching method that incorporates elements of game design and play into educational content to make learning more engaging and interactive.

The goal of gamified learning is to increase engagement and motivation among learners, as well as to make learning more effective by providing opportunities for active participation and feedback. Gamified learning has been shown to be effective in improving learning outcomes and retention.

We use our proprietary board game and learning application to simulate real-world experiences for our financial literacy programme. Our L Cube board game adds a tech-savvy twist to the traditional gaming experience. Participants get hands-on by rolling dice on the iPad, scanning QR codes on cards, and facing real-world scenarios while having a blast. It's not just learning; it's a fun and experimental journey towards mastering money management skills.

Our learning materials were designed and developed with support from the Lifelong Learning Council.

Financial Literacy Book

The learning concepts in our school workshops are based on the Financial Literacy Book, Take Charge: be Money Smart in 7 Steps. We hope our workshop will encourage your students to take charge of their finances and career pathway. We want them to increase their income potential, improve the way they make financial decisions, safeguard their future, and develop life goals to long-lasting happiness.

Money savvy, future-ready!

Financial Literacy Book

A Proven Concept

At the beginning of each session, students are introduced to basic financial literacy concepts, laying the groundwork for the ensuing practical application. Leveraging our proprietary learning tool, L Cube, students actively engage with the learned concepts, fostering hands-on learning and honing essential money management skills. They have the opportunity to think critically in difficult situations, be adaptable in changing economies and stay resilient amidst challenges. Towards the workshop's conclusion, a debrief reinforces key learning points, ensuring students leave with a strengthened understanding of financial literacy concepts and inculcate positive habits in managing their money.

Since 2017, our workshop has been successfully implemented in over 100 schools across Singapore. Annually, we impact the lives of over 15,000 students, empowering them to improve their financial and mental well-being. View our past school workshops at

We worked with school principals, teachers and NIE lecturers to design this workshop. Our survey data affirm the effectiveness of our programme in instilling the right values during students' formative years, providing tangible evidence of the positive impact we've made on their financial education journey.

Singapore national cashflow competition
Workshop facilitators

Safety Management Measures

We adhere to the following guidelines and safety standards from the Ministry of Health for our school workshop.

  • Our trainer and facilitators are fully vaccinated.
  • We provide the full name and contact number of trainers and facilitators coming into the school.
  • We adhere to the current group size regulations.
  • We sanitise workshop resources.
Our programme is co-funded by HSBC for Singapore Secondary Schools.
Financial literacy workshop

Understanding how to manage money effectively can reduce stress and promote a sense of control.

Learn more about Smart Money Workshop and how our financial literacy programme can benefit your students.

Workshop for Primary and Secondary Schools in Singapore
Lifelong Learning Council

The Lifelong Learning Council, which consists of private and public sector leaders and was set up by the Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG) and Workforce Singapore (WSG) formerly known as Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA).


SmartCo is an EdTech company committed to imparting values that future-proof financial and mental well-being through fun and engaging content.